I want more. What about you?

Katy Newlin
1 min readJul 29, 2015


Mt Rainier, WA — 2015 Backpacking trip

What do you do when the situation that you exist in is not quite enough? What if you want more? What if you do not know what more you want?

What defines the lines that distinguish our satisfaction, our elation, our disappointment?

Are we supposed to learn to be content with our situation? Or should we always strive for more?

These questions swirl around as if they were fireflies tangled by a dream catcher: on fire but not burning and forming destruction. There is heat within me that should be allowed to ROAR! To be fueled. But to what extent? To what avail?

I want more with yoga, more with life, more adventure, more travel. I want the unknown.

What do you do when you yearn for more? Take new steps in new directions? Where should I do my yoga teacher training? Where can I volunteer to teach yoga to those who want and need it? Let me know your thoughts and feelings…we are all in this together and are all in need of direction now and later.



Katy Newlin

Female Scientist + Chemical Engineer insatiably passionate about conservation and rewilding