Find what makes you shine. Then seek out more.

Katy Newlin
2 min readAug 7, 2015

An introduction to a Yoga Movement Practice

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My yoga journey started right before the new year of 2015. I dabbled in the practice prior to this and was always drawn to the notion of practicing yoga, but I never feel the attraction outcompeting the busy-ness of life. Yet, at the end of the last semester in 2014, I stumbled into a class in Texas and gained exposure to the right teacher at the right time. Her every word spoke to me. It resonated deep within and knew then that I wanted this. I wanted yoga. No, I needed yoga.

And I wasn’t sure quite why.

It challenges you physically and mentally, it breaks you emotionally, it is certainly not always beautiful — actually, it’s likely that it is rather hideous most of the time even when it feels beautiful. Yet, it has rapidly become my world. It brings me more happiness than anything that comes naturally. You gain strength and flexibility, but beyond that you achieve a level of focus and stability internally that is unparalleled by other activities.

I decided to make a video for my friends and family showing the basics of making it through a few sun salutations. I hope that more people find this useful. Also, I hope that you start to see that these things are really, really true:

  1. Yoga is for everyone.
  2. What you look like is trivial. What you feel in a pose is everything.
  3. You are stronger than you ever thought. Simultaneously, you are weaker than you knew — this is usually in an emotional sense, but I’m constantly humbled by poses. The easier they appear when you watch someone do them, the harder they typically are to achieve.
  4. The continuous act of being humbled is a truly beautiful action.
  5. You will improve. And there is always room for more improvement.
  6. There is no end.
  7. And there is no beginning.

So, I challenge you to try. To start something for yourself. Do this for you and for no one else. I believe in you. You are wonderful and perfect the way that you are, in this moment, right now.

I still am not sure what yoga has to teach me and what I should be learning. I know that I yearn for more, to find something, to grow. But as to why, maybe I will find the hidden answer and maybe I won’t. For now, I get on my mat when I can and practice for myself.



Katy Newlin

Female Scientist + Chemical Engineer insatiably passionate about conservation and rewilding